Jesus Christ is God's Son and the only hope of salvation (Acts 4:12). As both God and man, He lived a perfect sinless life yet took upon Himself our judgment and the debt we owed when He died upon the Cross in our place (1 Peter 3:18). It is through Jesus, and only Him, that we receive forgiveness.

What We Believe

Jesus Christ

We are convinced that Jesus Christ died for sinners like us and that without His sacrificial death on the Cross we would have no hope in this life or the next. We also believe that such hope, including the gift of eternal life, is a gift of God's grace and only comes to those who accept it by faith.

The Bible, consisting of the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, is the very Word of God. It is without error and the only infallible source of truth for life and Godliness.


We believe in God as revealed in both the Bible and Creation (Psalm 19). He created all things for His glory and purpose, and is personal, relational and active in His creation. This means that it is not only possible for us to know Him personally, but that He desires to be in a relationship with us (John 17:3).

Life does not end in physical death. We were created to live with God for all eternity and God promises such a life to all those who accept it by faith in Jesus Christ (John 3:16; 17:3). To reject God's offer of forgiveness and grace leaves one with no hope in this life or the next but only the certainty of eternal punishment and separation from God (Matthew 24-46).

The Bible


Mankind is a special and direct creation of God, having been made in His image and for the purpose of knowing Him (Gen 1:26-28). We are both physical and spiritual, with a physical body as well as a soul. While our physical bodies will ultimately perish, our souls are eternal (Ecclesiastes 12:7).

Eternal Life

As a result of sin, we are separated from God and incapable of rebuilding this relationship on our own (Romans 3:23). God is holy and just, and because of this we are judged for our sin, found guilty and subject to eternal punishment (Romans 2:5-6; Hebrews 9:27). However, because God is also loving, merciful and gracious, He has made a way for us to be forgiven and saves those who are willing to accept this act of grace through faith (Romans 5:17).
